Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gobble Gobble *UPDATE*

 Okay, so Thanksgiving was this past Thursday! Hope everyone had a great food fest. Mine was, well, crowded.
 Some of my family, my aunt, uncle, and four cousins, have for the past couple years gone to Maryland to visit family. This year, however, they stayed. And not only did they stay, but so did my uncle's sister, brother-in-law, and their two kids.
 To give you an idea of how crowded it was, imagine this: Three younger kids sitting with two older kids in the kitchen. Then, a grandfather, a great-aunt, an aunt, an uncle, the uncle's sister and her husband, me, my sister, her boyfriend, my mom, and one younger kid in the dining room. That was how my Thanksgiving was spent. But the food was good and the people were funny, so in my book, that made up for the lack of space.
 Also, this year, before heading down to see the family, Siobhan, my sister, and her boyfriend ran the 4.7 (I think) mile Manchester Race. A.K.A., The Turkey Day Race. We are all very proud of the two of them who have been training since August. (I ran three miles with the sis at one point!)
 Sorry if this post is not so full of hilarity as the others. I feel like it is more informative than funny, but I'm trying. And we all know it's the thought that counts. At least most of the time it is.
 So yesterday, mi madre, Grandpa, my aunt, my uncle, and the four younger childrens and I went and bought their (the aunt/uncle/cousin's) Christmas tree. It is now standing proudly in the living room with pretty lights and not-so-spread-out ornaments.
 I must go now, the fam (cousins and aunt) and I are heading off to see Tangled!

 P.S. I will update the post later to tell if the movie is good. (I will try not to give anything away!!!)

 Buh-Bye! :)

*UPDATE* Okay, so Tangled, was pretty awesome. I am not ashamed to say that I cried. Twice.
 It was really good! Of course, you should know that I have turned into my mother and am a total sap when it comes to movies, so that may change your veiws, but still, it was rrrreeeeaaallllyyyy good.

 Okay, bye for reals, now.

 Buh-Bye! :)

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