Sunday, December 19, 2010


 I am one of those people who freaks themselves out to the point that it is funny. If you are one of my friends and I have watched a scary movie with you, you would already know this little fact about me.
 It is funny, though. My Brain pushes me to a point where I cannot sleep, therefore, act like a drunk two-year-old. (Which, as certain family members of mine can vouch for, is a very funny thing. Don't ask.)
 Take my friend Amanda. Since 6th grade, I have been invited to her sleepover birthday parties. And as long as I have known her, she has loved scary movies. Every year, Amanda asks me to give her a list of movies to watch for her birthday. This list must include two scary movies and two funny movies.
 In 6th grade, we watched The Haunting in Connecticut.
 I screamed. A lot. And we only made it through about half of the movie, then it was time to go to sleep. I had to sleep next to the T.V. And the bed. And the closet. And the storage space. And the door to the hallway. I was forced to sleep in between each of these things that my Brain had made, by this point, completely and utterly terrifying places.
 Now, I was the last one to fall asleep. Of course. I ended up getting about 3 1/2 hours of sleep. (This is still not the point where the drunk two-year-old comes in, believe it or not.)
 The funny thing about what my Brain does, after the point of the initial shock, a.k.a. the first night after the watching of the movie, is that I constantly replay the most terrifying bit of the movie while trying to fall asleep.
 The total loss of sleep added together is what makes the two-year-old come to the surface.
 Believe me, you would not believe it to be the same person. I have been know to laugh at stupid things when I am normal (Hahahahahahahaha! Cause that actually happens. Hehehe!) and have had a normal amount of sleep. But when I am sleep deprived, my hyperness and "laugh-box" get kicked into over-drive.              
 It's fun while it lasts, but it is not something you would want to force yourself into.

 Anywho, I remembered to post this week, and that's what's important!

 See you guys next week! Buh-Bye! <3

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